click on above calendar
orientation - get ready
new students - current students

: About our Paralegal Program and Class Descriptions
Summary Report for Paralegals
Online Study Guide
Check in
Dear Online Student
Student Discipline - Please carefully read the College Policy on Student Discipline
Our Law Home page
Read Daily News Article about our Program (8/15/10)
How do I get Started
How our online classes work
How to be a successful online student
Set up your computer
Costs & Curriculum
10 Hour Law School
First three Chapters of Bus Law (for Law 1/10/19)
Introduction to our program 
Welcome to our Fall 2014 Paralegal Law Classes
You Tube Video
Student Responsibility to know
All of our online students are required to carefully and read the following information
1. Welcome Information - http://welcome.pbworks.com
2. Duedates - http://duedates.pbworks.com
3. Dear Online student - http://missionparalegal.pbworks.com/dear-online-student
4. Home Law page - http://lamission.edu/law
5. Home College page - http://lamission.edu
6. Check in Policies
7. Student Information System - LAMC
Due Dates - a Calendar of Activities in your classes
If you stop attending a class (either on campus or online) (or wish to drop a class), YOU MUST DROP THE CLASS YOURSELF ONLINE– OFFICIALLY – Failure to do so may result in a grade of “F” in that class. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Website – http://www.laccd.edu (Student Information System)
REMINDER: There is a new LACCD enrollment limit. The limit is now three times to take a class and includes both substandard grades and withdrawals. (See Important Notice, page 3 of the College Catalog - see below)
If you stop attending a class (or wish to drop a class), YOU MUST DROP THE CLASS YOURSELF – OFFICIALLY . Failure to do so may result in a grade of “F” in that class
New 3 Repeat Rule
All Students Please Read
New 3 Repeat Rule
EFFECTIVE SUMMER 2012, course withdrawal (“W”) or a substandard grade (“D,” “F,” or “NP”) count as an attempt at a course. Only three attempts at any one course will be allowed, with some exceptions. Listed below are the new rules that all students need to know about.
• Students who drop or are excluded after the last day to drop without a grade of “W” will have a “W” appear on their transcript. The “W” will count as an attempt for that course.
• Contact the office of Admissions and Records for deadlines on late start, short-term and special program classes.
• A course in a student’s transcript which currently shows a recorded “W” counts as an attempt for that course.
• Students will not be allowed to register for any course within the LACCD if there are three recorded attempts for that course in any combination of W, D, F, or NP grades.
• Add permits for a course within the LACCD will not be processed if there are three recorded attempts for that course in any combination of W, D, F, or NP grades.
• For courses specifically designated as “repeatable,” students may repeat up to three times (See Title 5 California Code of Regulations sections 55040, 55041, 58161).
• Where the student’s number of enrollments in a course exceeds the allowable amount, the student may petition for an additional enrollment in cases of extenuating circumstances.
What students should do:
• Be sure you are academically ready for classes you enroll in.
• If you must drop a course, drop before the specifi ed deadline for dropping a class without a grade of “W.”
Logging in to your Online Class - You cannot login and start work on your online business law class for Fall 2014 until Monday morning (8 am) 9/1/14.
You login to class by using your Student ID and Month/Day of Birth. Our Fall semester runs for 16 weeks from end of August to the middle of December and Spring semester runs for 16 weeks from the first week of February to the third week of May. All assignments and work are due on the date provided in our due dates by 11:59 pm. See the calendar dates for each week's assignments (http://duedates.pbworks.com).
You must be registered for the class at Mission before you can enroll in any of our online classes, and you must be registered for each law class you wish to login to at our etudes website. You must login to your etudes class and complete the the first week of class by posting your Intro to the Class (no later than Sunday 9/14/14 or you may be excluded from the class for "non attendance or participation in class" You can login to your online classes at the etudes website - http://etudes.org
Look at the duedates for your class and the general syllabus and your syllabus and textbook for each class. Due dates (same as a list of assignments) are updated a few days before each semester or session (and are used by students for information only) - all actual classwork is submitted at our L.A. Mission website (etudes.org). Remember if there is a conflict in dates, etc. between the duedates and etudes, that the etudes site is more accurate and will prevail in any disputes over accuracy. The duedates are fairly accurate though.
How much time should I spend studying for my online classes?
Per California Education Code - Guidelines for Section 55002.5
In this section, the basic unit of college credit is defined to avoid reference to specific term lengths (previously described in terms of hours/week over a 16-week term). A minimum of 48 hours on the semester system (or 33 hours on the quarter system) of lecture, study, lab work is required for one unit of credit regardless of term length. The section establishes the minimum expected time on task (lecture, study, and or lab work) that is necessary to award one unit of credit. In practice, the number of hours varies among institutions, but is generally within the range of 48-54 hours per unit for colleges on the semester system. For each hour of lecture, it is assumed that students will be required to spend an additional two hours of study outside of class. The number of units awarded for laboratory courses is generally based entirely on the number of hours of laboratory work, presuming that students complete most required work in class.
For online classes which are 3 units then you would spend a total of 9 hours per week for 15 weeks (or a total of 144 hours - calculated as follows: 9 hours per week (3 units = 3 hours in class (online time) plus 2 hours for each hour in class = total of 9 hours per week x 16 weeks). This surprises many students because they have a mistaken idea that online classes are much easier than on campus classes. To give you an idea, for every class online you would spend the following each week:
2 hours reading the textbook chapter assigned for the week
2 hours working on assignments
2 hours working on any quizzes
2 hours working on any class projects
1 hour for posting to class discussions
total time = 9 hours study time per week per each online class (3 units)
Business Law - 12th Edition - Interactive site for students
Our paralegal program started using the 12th edition of Business Law in Fall 2013. We use this textbook for 4 classes, Law 1,2, 10 and 19. If you use the 11th edition or an earlier edition - you do so at your own risk.
Many students email about using the 11th edition as it is much cheaper. The answer is as follows: if you plan on only taking Bus. Law 1 as a transferable class, then you should probably just download (at $3.49 per chapter) the 10 or so chapters we cover in that class from Ichapters- WBL If you take Law 1,2, 10 and 19 for the paralegal certificate, then it would be better to just purchase the entire book and use it for the four (4) classes. If you decide to use the 11h Edition, you do so at your "own risk".
If you are waiting for your textbook, you can use the first three chapters of the textbook - First three Chapters of Bus Law (for Law 1/10/19) - see disclaimer inside the link
Our Semesters
Our Fall semester (16 weeks) runs from the first week of September until the 2nd week of December. Our Spring semester (16 weeks) runs from the second week of February until the second week of June. We no longer have a summer or winter session due to budget cuts. Students can only take classes in the Fall and Spring Semesters.
Adding classes (if classes are full) - Students should try to register early for the online classes as they are very popular. If you wish to add the class and the class is full, email Prof J. and explain why you need the class, and why you are registering late, and then provide the following information: Your name, your email address, your student ID, name of class, section number and semester. This is not, however, a guarantee that you will be added to the class.
College regulations state that a student may be excluded from a course following accumulation of absences equal to a week of course work. The 12th week of class is the last date a student may drop a class with a "W". (or the 8th week in a "Late Start" class). Thereafter, the student must receive a grade in the class.
If a student has a accumulated score of 50 or below in the 12th week (or the 8th week in a "late Start" class) , it is deemed that the student has accumulated absences in excess of a week of course work, and the instructor MAY, but is NOT required to DROP the student from class, with or without notice. It is the sole responsibility of the student, and not the instructor, to drop the class.
In addition, students who fail to login and post their introduction to class within the first (ten) days of class may be dropped from their online class.
Under Federal and State guidelines governing career technical programs and certificates, a grade of C in each of our 12 law classes is a passing grade (and not a "D" as in other programs).
Make sure your email address is current under the Student Information System (SIS) - Make sure that your email is the same as the one you have listed in the Student Information System. To create a valid electronic signature, you must log onto the *Student Information System (SIS)* Once you log in, you will see your SIS email address on the Main Menu page. If your SIS email address does not match the email address from which you are sending your request, click "Edit" and change your email address so that it does match.
Updating your email at the Student Information System (SIS) - If you do not update your email address under the Student Information system you will not receive class "mass emailings" when your instructor uses the SIS system to email the entire class. Also if you want to add the class when it is full, and you email Prof J. and he agrees to add you, then you must email from the same email address as you have on the SIS system so Admissions can authenticate aqnd verify you are, in fact, the student requesting to be added through email registration. Click here for instructions on how to update your SIS email.
Logging into class
Students are now automatically uploaded to the law classes they have registered for. Students use their Student ID (88xxxxxxxx) as their username, and their Month/Day of birth as their password. Once they login to etudes they will see all of their online/hybrid classes at the top.
Order of Taking the Classes
You should take Law 1, and 10 first, and you should wait until the end of the program to take Law 16, 17, and 34. That is because 16, 17, and 34 are more difficult and build upon what you learn in the other classes. Other than that order you can take the classes in any order. It is not like Math where you must take the classes in a sequence otherwise you will not understand the later courses.
Syllabus & Textbooks
Read the Syllabus for your class by going to the SOCO system. The specific syllabus for each class is also found under the etudes class for each semester. The textbooks for the class can be found at http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks
Reasonable Accommodations: If you are a student with a disability and require online class accommodations, please see Prof. Jordan an email to discuss arrangements. The sooner we are aware that you are eligible for accommodations, the quicker we will be able to provide them. If you have not done so already, you may also wish to contact the DSP&S Office in Instructional Building 1018 (phone 818/364-7732 TTD 818/364-7861). There website and resources are located at http://www.lamission.edu/dsps/
For students requiring accommodations, the DSP&S Office at Mission College provides special assistance in areas like: registering for courses, specialized tutoring, note-taking, mobility assistance, special instruction, testing assistance, special equipment, special materials, instructor communications, community referrals and job placement.
Etudes Classrooms
We started using a a new course management system called Etudes for Fall 2013. The etudes classroom is where you will submit your online course assignments and quizzes. Look at the online website for Mission at http://lamission.edu/online - also check out the etudes help desk at http://missiononline.pbworks.com/etudes-help and look at the overview of etudes and watch the etudes tutorial
You may decide to not make your email available to anyone (if you would like to maintain your privacy). You can do this once you have logged into
Logging in during first week of class is mandatory
It is mandatory to login to your online etudes classrooms and complete the first week assignments during the first week of class. If you do not post your introduction to class within two weeks from the start of the semester, you may be excluded by your instructor from your online class.
Print out your calendar dates for each class - http://duedates.pbworks.com/. The Calendar Dates are list of assignments, quizzes, and forums and due dates for your classwork. If there is a difference between the dates under "due dates" and your etudes classroom, the dates under the etudes classroom are more accurate and apply. Do contact Prof. J. (the webmaster) to correct any difference in dates between the Due Dates and the etudes classroom dates for work.
Posting your Introduction to class and other introductory forums
At the beginning of each or our law classes (except Law 2) we ask students to post their introduction, and to read articles to get ready for taking their law classes.
The Articles to Read are as follows:
How to Study Law
Good Legal Writing
Read Like a Lawyer
The Uses of Argument
Analytic Thinking
Six Pillars of Character
10 Hour Law School
Recognizing Plagiarism
Posting to Discussion Forums
You are required to post your original thoughts by Wednesday, and respond (or comment upon) to two other students by Sunday. (a total of three (3) posts to each forum).
Discussion Forums are open ended questions that are posted on a forum. They are your "classroom discussion". Your participation is required, and you receive a total of 15% of your grade for your participation in these forum discussions.
It is essential that all students fully participate in the class forums. This is what makes the class "interactive" and gives it the "feel of being in an on campus class" which is important to ensure learning is occurring at a "distance".
Please be courteous in any of your postings and responses to other students. "Reasonable Minds" can differ, but please be polite.
Which types of student responses are good and which ones are fair or poor?
Please see the below rubric which details the differences in types of responses or comments in your class discussion forums:
Posting Rubric
Bigger Picture
Appropriate comments: thoughtful, reflective,
and respectful of other student's postings.
Clear reference to assignment or prior posting being discussed
Furthers the discussion with questions, or statements that encourage others to respond.
Clearly connects the posting to text or reference points from previous readings, activities, and discussions.
Appropriate comments: thoughtful, reflective, and respectful of other student's postings.
Appropriate comments and responds respectfully to other student's postings.
Some reference but taken out of context, the reader would not understand.
Participates, but does not post anything that encourages others to respond to the posting.
Vague or possible connection to reference points from previous readings, activities, and discussions.
Appropriate comments and responds respectfully to other student's postings.
Responds, but with minimum effort or detail. (i.e. "I agree with the statement")
Posting is attached to the right discussion board, but does not clearly reflect the assignment.
Less than required number of postings. Does not further any discussions.
Mentions the videos,
text or previous activity without logical link to topic.
Responds, but with minimum effort (i.e. "I agree with Bob").
You are required to post an entry to the class forum by Wednesday at 11:59 pm of each week and you must respond to at least 2 of your class mates by Sunday at 11:59 pm of each week. Your grade on discussions and your 2 responses to each forum discussion is based upon the following: - "avoid responses like "me too" or a response that is irrelevant or adds nothing to the discussion, or does not provide support for your position expressed, and shows minimal reflection. Your positions taken in your responses to other students should be articulated with good support and demonstrate reflection.
How are you Graded on Your Forum Participation
Active participation in each forum is required. It is 15% of your final grade, so it can make a difference between an A and a B, etc. grade if you do not post at least 3 times to each forum, an original post on Thursday and two comments to other students by Sunday evening.. (note: Law 2 forums may differ from the above.)
Grading Rubric
Quality of Posting
Grade (out of 100%)
Number of posts
mostly missed forums or single posts
mostly single posts with a few double or triple posts
many single and some double or triple posts
mostly double, some triple posts, maybe a few single posts- but no missed forums
Very Good
mostly triple posts, maybe a few double posts, no single or missed posts
all forums posted to with triple posts
Removing "student posts" from forums
The purpose of the discussion forums and "Question" Forums in our online classes is to inquire about "content" questions, or clarify primarily content questions about the class such as clarification of assignments, or questions on cases, the law, etc. Students are requested to use the same "etiquette they would use in an on campus classroom. It is not a "forum" or place to complain about how the class is run, or complain about how the website is constructed, or complain about other students. Also we encourage "robust" debate in our forums. Reasonable minds differ, and we ask that you show tolerance to other students' opinions. However, again students should use reasonable and appropriate language in their forum postings, and should show respect to their fellow/sister students. Students are encouraged to read apply the "Six Pillars of Character" when they post their work.
Our online law faculty may, in their discretion, remove "student posts",or even remove the entire forum (with all of the student posts), if in their sole discretion, a student or students are behaving badly, acting inappropriately, failing to show proper respect to other students or the classroom as a whole, and abusing the privilege of expressing their opinions in the forums.
Case Briefs
Here is information on "How to Brief a Case" - http://www.delicious.com/profj/briefing-cases
Below is our grading rubric with our expectations of what we look for in grading your case briefs in class
Case Name and Citation
Complete case name and properly formatted citation appear at the top of the case brief
Complete case name is provided but citation is incomplete
Complete case name is provided but no citation is give
Neither the case name nor the citation appears at the top of the case brief OR both case name and citation are incorrect.
Operative Facts
Operative facts are relevant to the issue being examined by the court and are logically organized.
Facts are relevant to the question being answered but lack coherence or organization.
Irrelevant facts are included. Lack of logical organization.
Relevant facts are omitted or lost in discussion of unrelated information.
Procedural Facts
Procedural history of the case is clearly and logically presented in proper chronology.
Procedural history of the case is presented but chronology is confusing.
Some procedural history is presented.
No procedural history is presented.
Issue/Short Answer
Includes all elements (applicable law, issue being examined and relevant facts) in a well crafted, grammatically correct question.
Answer responds to question being posed.
Issue is separately articulated, but does not include all elements; applicable law, issue being examined and relevant facts.
Answer responds to question being posed.
Issue is not separately articulated, but implied through description of facts or discussion of law.
Answer does not respond to question being posed.
Issue is not articulated
No answer is given.
Law is correct and is relevant to the question being answered. Rule(s) of law succinctly paraphrased rather than quoted.
Law is correct and is relevant to the question being answered, but is not paraphrased
Rules of law are used in providing answer, but it is unclear if writer understands the law and is properly applying it.
Rules of law are omitted from answer or incorrect law is used.
The court’s reasoning is presented in a clear and logical fashion, leading the reader to an understanding of the rationale behind the law.
Law is applied to the facts, but the underlying rationale is not clear.
Analysis is unclear, causing the reader to question whether the law is correct.
No analysis of the law is given.
Writing Mechanics
Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation are substantially correct.
Each component‘s material is logically organized and presented in a clear, concise manner.
Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation are substantially correct.
Organization is logical but needs better consistency and clarity.
Adherence to rules of writing is poor.
Material lacks organization and/or is unclear, making it difficult to understand.
Rules of writing are ignored or misunderstood.
No apparent logic to the organization of the material. Writing lacks clarity.
**above adopted from case grading rubric - AAFPE.org website
Classroom Work
The posting of all of your work, assignments, quizzes is done under our etudes classrooms - located at http://etudes.org - You cannot start work for any semester or session until a few days before the session or semester.
Please note that all weekly assignments during each session are due on Sunday evenings at 11:59 pm (Law 2 may be different - check that class for its due dates). Please no late work. Late work is not pemitted.
Word Processing
Some students encounter problems when "copying and pasting" from their word processors (MS Word or Word Perfect) into the etudes assignments box. The etudes program is not really set up to maintain complicated formatting from a word processor. We focus primarily on "content" in our law classes. if formatting is important or required, you will be notified in the particular assignment. It is recommended that you use a simple word processor, such as "wordpad" which is found under "start/accessories/wordpad" in your windows program. Using this simple word processor will allow a simple "copy and paste" into the etudes assignment box.
Computer Crashes
In our online classes it is essential that students have a "working computer" to submit their work. From time to time computers "crash", lock-up, or have problems. The etudes program is very solid and most problems are with either the students' computers or their internet connection. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure prompt and timely submission of their assignments even when there is a computer crash or bad internet connection. Students should not procrastinate and attempt to submit work five minutes before it is due. Here are three hints to avoid this problem. One, make sure you have a backup computer resource, either a friend, family, or outside source that you can use at the last minute. Two, do a tuneup of your computer. Many of the computer connection problems can be resolved by downloading the new firefox browser, or chrome browser, since many of the problems arise with the browser connection to the internet and etudes. Another problem is your computer set up with cookies, your cache, java, etc. so make sure you have set your computer up correctly, including "tuning up" your computer. Finally if none of these work, you can email yourself a copy of your assignments, answer to quizzes, etc. and as long as you do it prior to the expiration of the deadlines, you will preserve a record of your work, and faculty will accept a copy of your saved email as long as it has a date and time "prior to" the duedates.
Improving your grades on Quizzes
The quizzes under Law 1, 2, 10, 19 and 13 are taken from the Business Law Textbook (11th ed.). The questions are formulated by the authors of the textbook, and not any of the LAMC law faculty. The quiz questions generally require application of your materials, and "critical thinking". You may find these difficult. If you receive lower scores than you are accustomed to receiving, then look at this information - http://profj.us/26w/law1/improvemc.htm on how to improve your scores. You can also contact your online tutors for suggestions. A few other ideas you can do it to get a "study partner". This is how you do that. You look under the forums, the introductions and postings on the other questions and see who you might like to partner up with. Generally you should be spending a fair amount of time studying. If your scores and grades do not improve after increasing your efforts and time spent studying, then you will need to make changes. Contact your tutors or online instructors for ideas, suggestions and comments.
The quizzes for law 1/2/10/11/19 are timed. You will have 1 hour (60 minutes) to answer 20 multiple choice questions. You may only open and submit the quiz one time. You must complete the quiz in "one sitting", that is once you open the quiz, you must then complete it within "one hour" or 60 minutes. Do not open the quiz until you are ready to take the quiz.
Assignments and Quizzes
To submit Assignments and if your class has Quizzes then click on the left side of your etudes classroom and you will see Assignments, Tests, and Surveys, and click on that to go to your online tests.
Important Dates
Make sure that you follow the important dates during the session. They are found at the main college website - www.lamission.edu. Our main law page is located at lamission.edu/law
Costs, Duration, History, Accreditation, Classes
The program consists of 12 law classes. Each class is 3 units, and costs $46 per unit, or $138 per class, or $1,656, and you pay for each class as you enroll and take it. The 12 classes normally take 12-18 months to complete. Your first few classes should be Law 1 and Law 10, and your last few classes Law 16, 17, and 34. Otherwise you can take the classes in any order. There are no prerequisites for taking our classes, nor is there an entrance exam. However, you should be an excellent reader and writer since you will undoubtedly do a large amount of reading and writing in our legal program. Upon completion of the 12 classes or 36 units you will Petition for your Paralegal Certificate and then qualify under California State Law to be a paralegal.
For almost 20 years we have been graduating paralegals since, and have graduated more than a 500 paralegals. We have a rich history and tradition.
We are accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Post-Secondary Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. The Los Angeles Mission College Paralegal Studies Program Certificate has been approved by the Board of Governors of the L.A. Community Colleges (since 1987), and our curriculum is continuously updated to ensure that we are a quality paralegal program. Our program is an institutional member of the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAFPE)
How to Enroll
To enroll in our college you can either go to http://lacolleges.net or use http://cccapply.org Once you have filled out the Mission College Application, check the student information system - http://www.laccd.edu/student_information/sis_logon.asp within seven (7) days to see if you have been added to the system. Then you can enroll in your law classes. You can find your classes at our main webpage at http://lamission.edu/law.
Contact your Online Faculty
If you have any questions contact your online faculty. They are excellent instructors and are very helpful - http://lamission.edu/law/faculty.html
We have excellent Law Faculty who are experts in their respective legal fields and who have taught in our program for many years. Your online instructor faculty information, biography, phone and email is located at http://lamission.edu/law/lawfaculty.htm. Our online law faculty will attempt to return emails within 72 hours of receipt. Please be patient, and send a second email if you do not receive a response within that period. If a law faculty does not respond to your second email then please contact Prof. Jordan, the Director of the Program.
Your Textbooks
You can purchase your textbooks at http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks - Not all classes have textbooks. Law 12, 13, 17 and 34 have all the materials online and no required textbooks. Law 1, 2, 10 and 19 require Business Law 11th ed. login in to duedates - at http://duedates.pbwiki.com/ . If you cannot purchase the textbook at first, and you are waiting to save up the money, you can purchase individual chapters of the textbook, one at a time, while you wait. You can order them at Ichapters- WLB
Law Dictionaries
I have found that students who use "law dictionaries" do much better in class, and understand difficult legal concepts much easier. I would recommend two, one is "hardbound" and one is online. The "hardbound" is a small pocket law dictionary, very reasonable at $10. It is Gilbert's Pocket Law Dictionary. The second is the online dictionary at Law.com - http://dictionary.law.com
Our Tutoring Program
Tutoring Program - In the Fall 2005 semester, we piloted a new program - the "tutoring program" - see program guidelines at http://paralegaltutors.pbwiki.com We have an excellent team of tutors who can help you with any questions you might have. Please take advantage of contacting them. They were all excellent students in our program who graduated from our program and who have encountered all of the same problems you will face with our law materials.
Broken Links
If you find any broken links on this page or in your online classrooms, please contact Prof J. - the webmaster for the program. Please do not contact your online instructors, as Prof J. is the only one who can update the broken links. Also please do not post that a link is broken under "Questions" in your class. Prof J. looks at the questions only once a week. Whereas Prof J. looks at his email on an hourly basis, and notification through this method will result in updating and correcting "broken links" much more quickly.
Also a good way to find, and locate information from "broken links" is the use the WAYBACK Machine. Copy and paste the link which is broken into the wayback machine. There you can find the information saved and many times get access to it.
Links outside of etudes classrooms
In an effort to provide useful information and resources, we provide links such as classwikis, podcasts, and the like. We do our best to keep these current and up to date. If you find any information out of date or links broken please contact our webmaster, me, Prof J.
Facebook Social Network (beta)
Our program has set up a Facebook page ("Mission Law") and will use this social network to communicate with our paralegal alumni and current students. Joining this network is voluntary, and not required of our students.
Paralegal Court Internships
Our program has recently developed an excellent Court Internship program with the courts in Burbank, San Fernando, and Van Nuys. Please look at our new program at http://court-interns.pbwiki.com - You must have taken at least Law 11 - Civil Litigation or Law 18 - Family Law before you apply for the internship since the courts want you to have some minimal training on handling court forms both on the civil and family law side. Contact Prof J. for more information.
A note on grades: you can check your grades in etudes by clicking on "gradebook" on the left hand column. Also note that grades will be posted by your professor to show your progress in the class. You can be dropped from the class, without notice, if you are carrying an "F" in the class. It is not the instructor's responsibility to drop you from class. Some students are dropped from the etudes classroom, and think that the instructor has excluded them from the class roster. Being dropped from the etudes class is NOT the same as being dropped from the class. If you do not drop the class yourself, then you may receive an F for your grade in class. If you are not going to continue in the class, do not leave it to the instructor to exclude you. Go to the student information system - http://www.profj.us/student/ and drop yourself. This is the only way to protect yourself from not getting an F for failing to complete the class.
Availabilty and Access to your etudes classroom. (effective end of Fall 2009 semester) Students will have access 24/7 to their respective etudes classrooms during the semester.
Closing of Etudes Class after each semester - At the end of each semester, grades will be posted in your etudes class and filed with the District within two (2) weeks from the last day of class. You should check your grade both in etudes and with the Student Information System within those two weeks. The etudes class will then be closed for access. The reason for this is for security reasons. Faculty teach the same classes each year, and are in the process of updating their class materials for future semesters.
Accessibility to your student work - Students are required to save all of their etides class work on their own computers, or "flash drives" and cannot use their etudes classroom to act as a repository for their classwork. Requests to "reopen" etudes will only be granted under "extraordinary circumstances", and not because a student forgot to "back up" their own classwork on their computer.
Students may request an Incomplete in class from their instructor with the following conditions:
1. Not less than 75% of the class has been completed by the student
2. The student is passing the class (70 or above) at the time of the request
3. The student contacts the instructor at the earliest time to request the Incomplete
4. The Incomplete is not based on the inability to complete the assignments but upon circumstances beyond the control of the student (i.e. death in the family, hospitalization, etc.)
5. Incompletes are rarely granted, and are not favored except in rare circumstances that justify and Incomplete grade.
6. The student must complete all assignments within a year from the entering of the Incomplete
See complete District Policy/LAMC at http://abogado.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/33866754/grade-change-incomplete.pdf
Student Discipline - Please carefully read the College Policy on Student Discipline (added 2/8/12)
Please read the following links, print out any useful information, and set up a 3 ring binder to have "at hand" - Learn about the "etudes" online classroom at http://etudes.pbworks.com
1. read study skills at http://profj.us/studyskills/
2. read information on etudes at http://etudes.pbworks.com
3. check out these resources - http://del.icio.us/profj
4. Read typical day in the life of an online student - http://profj.us/day/typical.htm
5. look at Profj's blog at - http://profjordan.blogspot.com/
6. look at Paralegal Jobs blog at - http://paralegaljobs.blogspot.com/
7. look at Paralegal Jobs at - http://paralegaljobs.pbwiki.com/
8. read about legal research at - http://www.profj.us/legalresearch/
9. read about legal citations - http://del.icio.us/abogado/citations
10. read how to brief a case - http://profj.us/briefingcases.htm
11. read how to study law - http://profj.us/studylaw
12. read "Good Legal Writing" - http://profj.us/glw/
13. read "How to read a Case like a Lawyer" - http://profj.us/reading.htm
14. read the Description of your classes - http://profj.us/descriptions.htm
15. read paralegal program objectives - http://www.profj.us/objectives/
16. read "No Late Work" - http://profj.us/late
17. read how to improve your quiz scores - http://profj.us/improve/
18. read the syllabus for your class - http://profj.us/syllabus/syllabuslist.htm
19. check out your textbooks - http://lamission.edu/law/textbooks/
20. Read Grading Rubric for law classes - http://profj.us/24sp/rubric.htm
21. read lecture outlines for West Bus. Law - http://www.profj.us/outlines/
22. look at powerpoint for West Bus. Law - http://profj.us/powerpoint
look at summary of law for law 1, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 19 - http://www.profj.us/summary/
23. look at law dictionary - http://dictionary.law.com/default2.asp
24. read our plagiarism policy - http://missionparalegal.com/plagiarism.htm
25. look at the paralegal certificate - http://profj.us/certificate.htm
26. look at the online paralegal certificate - http://lamission.edu/law/online/
27. look at the College webpage - http://lamission.edu
28. look at important dates - http://lamission.edu/important_dates.html
29. read Standards of Conduct for Students - http://profj.us/conduct.htm
30. Please be respectful to your instructor and other students. Please do not abuse the classroom message system when you are using it in your online class.It is a privilege and not a right.
Learn about our program
Welcome message - http://lamission.edu/law/welcome.htm
Duedates - these will be updated soon - http://duedates.pbwiki.com
where to login to your class - http://etudes.org
1st day of class = http://profj.us/1stday
our home page - http://lamission.edu/law
where are we located: Sylmar, California - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylmar
we are part of the LACCD - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Community_College_District
Mission College home page - http://www.lamission.edu
our site index - http://lamission.edu/law/siteindex.html
why you should choose our program - http://missionparalegal.com/whyus.htm
history - http://profj.us/audio.htm
faq's - http://www.lamission.edu/law/faq.html
how to enroll in the program - http://www.lamission.edu/application.html
about Mission College - http://www.lamission.edu/about_mission.html
about our Director - http://lamission.edu/law/jordan/bio.htm
about our accreditation -http://profj.us/accreditation.htm
about our faculty - http://lamission.edu/law/faculty.html
about our program objectives - http://www.profj.us/objectives/
about our Paralegal Program - http://profj.us/graduation/bios.htm
about our students - http://del.icio.us/profj/graduates
Again welcome aboard, and nice having you as students. Email Prof. J at abogado@pacbell.net or call him on his cell phone 818-415-2015 if you have any questions.
Prof. J.
updated: 7/16/14
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